LivingLab is a sandbox with a dataspace, a software development environment to let you focus on use cases and prototyping of apps powered by dataspace capabilities, such as data sovereignty protection – without all the dataspace complexities. Build and enhance expertise in dataspace technology and have the benefits of a managed service. A trustful ecosystems with data sovereignty about shared data an additional trust level through T-Systems Digital.ID. LivingLab is the fast-track to the world of dataspace.
LivinLab provides an end-to-end dataspace experience with an user friendly UI and allows users to deploy & test various use cases or applications within dataspace environment. Delivered as a pre-configured product, LivingLab eliminates dataspace complexities and allowing users to focus on developing their business applications. Whether upgrading existing apps or creating new ones, LivingLab empowers businesses to benefit from better data.
The LivingLab product consists of two components:
LivingLab Core Managed Service: Includes all components that are necessary to run, use and manage a dataspace.LivingLab Core is available in the sizes of S,M & L and they differ of the possible amount of running connectors.
LivingLab Compute Node: Contains the applications layer on which the new applications are deployed and developed.The LivingLab Compute Node is available in 4x different sizes. (S,M,L and XL)
The sizes differ in terms of the CPU, RAM and storage. This allwos to choose the appropirate power individually to the requirements of the application.
LivingLab is completely cloud agnostic and available for following cloud providers.